Solucions creatives: L’escriptura com a trànsit transformador/ Gloria Anzaldúa

Gloria Anzaldua“When I create stories in my head, that is, allow the voices and scenes to be projected in the inner screen of my mind, I “trance”. I used to think I was going crazy or that I was having hallucinations. But now I realize is my job, my calling, to traffic in images. Some of these film-like narratives I write down; most are lost, forgotten. When I don’t write the images down for several weeks or months, I get physically ill. Because writing invokes images from my unconcious, and because some of the images are residues of trauma which I then have to reconstruct, I sometimes get sick when I do write. I can’t stomach it, become nauseous, or burn with fever, worsen. But, in reconstructing the traumas behind the images, I make “sense” of them, and once they have “meaning” they are changed, transformed. It is then that writing heals me, brings me great joy”.

Gloria Anzaldúa. Borderlands/ La Frontera: The New Mestiza.

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